Adress: 2. Gajnički vidikovac 20, 10 090 Zagreb
Phone: +385 (0) 1 302 1462
The company is registered at the Commercial Court in Zagreb under registration number (MBS) 05037514.
Person authorized to represent the company: Marko Horvatek and Jelena Herman
Share capital of the company of 20.000,00kn has been paid in full.
Bank account:
IBAN: HR79 2340 0091 1109 8811 3
PBZ banka, Zagreb (Croatia)
We are:
Devoted and passionate about what we do.
We go the extra mile for our client.
Respecting our partner…
…like we want to be treated ourselves.
And being fearless. Celebrate your success and find some humour in your failures.
Because we all fail.
It is how we do afterwards.
About us
Devoted and passionate about what we do.
We go the extra mile for our client.
Respecting our partner…
…like we want to be treated ourselves.
And being fearless. Celebrate your success and find some humour in your failures.
Because we all fail.
It is how we do afterwards.